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Table 1 Comparison of Initial Alveolar Interstitial Burden between Bolus aspiration and inhalation of MWCNT

From: Distribution and fibrotic response following inhalation exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes


Bolus aspiration


Initial lung burden

80 ug

28.1 ug1



64% Alveolar macrophage

58% Alveolar macrophage

Initial distribution

9% Alveolar airspace

6% Alveolar airspace


8% Alveolar Interstitium

21% Alveolar Interstitium

18% Airway

14% Airway

Macrophage & Airspace

Macrophage & Airspace

~ 1% Subpleural tissue

~1% Subpleural tissue

Initial Alveolar


Interstitial burden

6.4 ug

5.9 ug


  1. 1This inhaled lung burden in the mouse is equal to the predicted human lung burden on an equivalent alveolar surface area basis for a person performing light work at 7 ug/m3 for 13 years [3].