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Table 1 Characteristic of study subjects

From: Effects of ultrafine particles on the allergic inflammation in the lung of asthmatics: results of a double-blinded randomized cross-over clinical pilot study

Characteristic of study subjects

N = 12

Female sex − no. (%)

4 (33.3)

Age − years

38 [34.2;41.5]

Body weight - BMI

25.8 [23.8;27.8]

FEV1 − % predicted value

96.4 [88.8;103.9]

Methacholine PC20 − mg/ml

1.3 [0.3;5.3]

IgE − IU/ml

423.8 [79.0; 768.5]

Segmental allergen dose − SQE

541.8 [237.2;846.3]

  1. Absolute and relative frequencies of women, mean of study subjects and corresponding 95%-confidence interval for all other baseline characteristics. Confidence interval for metacholine concentration is computed with logarithmic transformation; BMI: Body mass index, FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second, Methacholine PC20:metacholine concentration to induce a 20% decrease in FEV1, IgE: total serum IgE (immunonglobulin E), SQE: standard quality unit.