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Table 3 Daily average air pollutant levels on Fridays for the two study sites (Bayview and College sites)

From: Cardiovascular and inflammatory mechanisms in healthy humans exposed to air pollution in the vicinity of a steel mill


College Site (Fridays)

Mean (95% CI)

Bayview Site (Fridays)

Mean (95% CI)

CO (IQR 0.4 ppm)

0.44 (0.43, 0.45)

1.07 (0.95, 1.19)

NO (IQR 6.7 ppb)

1.52 (1.44, 1.60)

6.93 (6.61, 7.24)

NO2 (IQR 6.6 ppb)

4.39 (4.19, 4.58)

6.78 (6.49, 7.07)

NOx (IQR 13.2 ppb)

5.90 (5.65, 6.15)

13.52 (12.98, 14.07)

O3 (IQR 9.2 ppb)

32.81 (32.19, 33.44)

29.91 (29.38, 30.44)

PM2.5 (IQR 11.0 μg/m3)

11.48 (10.97, 11.99)

12.95 (12.41, 13.48)

SO2 (IQR 14.8 ppb)

1.56 (1.39, 1.73)

8.13 (7.28, 8.98)

UFP (IQR 32161 particle/cm3)

6523 (6080, 6966)

14,830 (13,604, 16,057)