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Table 8 Change in physiological endpoints by exposure

From: Cardiovascular and inflammatory mechanisms in healthy humans exposed to air pollution in the vicinity of a steel mill

Site Comparison

Physiological endpoint

Systolic BP (mmHg)

Change (95% CI)

Diastolic (mmHg)

Change (95% CI)

Heart Rate (bpm)

Change (95% CI)

Bayview “with” mask vs College site

−0.7439 (− 3.4666, 1.9789)

−0.5652 (− 2.7252, 1.5947)

3.5312 (1.1294, 5.9330)*

Bayview “with” mask vs Bayview “without” mask

−1.2172 (− 3.8714, 1.4370)

− 0.6673 (− 2.7715, 1.4368)

2.3532 (0.0150, 4.6913)*

College site vs Bayview “without” mask

− 0.4733 (− 3.1738, 2.2272)

−0.1021 (− 2.2438, 2.0396)

− 1.1780 (− 3.5589, 1.2029)*

  1. *p < 0.05
  2. Covariates: Carry over, age, sex and BMI, sequential order of treatments