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Table 1 Characterization of UFP dispersion in H2O

From: In utero exposure to ultrafine particles promotes placental stress-induced programming of renin-angiotensin system-related elements in the offspring results in altered blood pressure in adult mice

DH (nm)


ζ (mV)

Redox potential (nmolDTT/min*μg)

94 ± 8.65

0.632 ± 0.17

28 ± 0.03

0.174 ± 0.002

  1. DH: Hydrodynamic diameter. PDI: Polydispersion index. ζ: zeta potential. DTT: Dithiothreitol
  2. The UFP pool in H2O at 40 μg/ml, were analyzed in triplicate. Values represent mean ± SEM