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Table 3 Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cell counts in Brown Norway rats

From: Inhalation of welding fumes reduced sperm counts and high fat diet reduced testosterone levels; differential effects in Sprague Dawley and Brown Norway rats


Total cell number (106)

Macrophages (106)

Neutrophils (106)

Week 12 – exposure

 Air + Reg

12.8 + 1.2

12.7 + 1.1

0.14 + 0.1

 Air + HF

8.7 + 0.2

8.7 + 0.2

0.00 + 0.0

 GMA-SS + Reg

62.1 + 4.4 ab

52.4 + 4.2 ab

9.66 + 2.6 ab


76.5 + 4.7 ab

68.9 + 3.7 ab

7.39 + 1.3 ab

Week 24 – recovery

 Air + Reg

18.0 + 2.3

18.0 + 2.3

0.04 + 0.04

 Air + HF

14.4 + 3.3

14.4 + 3.3

0.00 + 0.0

 GMA-SS + Reg

43.2 + 3.1 ab

28.4 + 2.5 ab

14.9 + 2.1 ab


49.9 + 6.6 ab

35.7 + 4.1 ab

14.2 + 2.8 ab

  1. Total cells number, macrophages and neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from Brown Norway rat lungs at week 12 after a 5-week exposure to 20 mg/m3 of GMA-SS, and at week 24 after a 12 week recovery period. Mean ± SD (n = 6). Significant effects are highlighted in bold
  2. aSignificantly different from Air+Reg diet (p < 0.05)
  3. bSignificantly different from Air+HF diet (p < 0.05)