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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population in Erfurt, Germany, winter 2000/2001

From: Ultrafine particles and platelet activation in patients with coronary heart disease – results from a prospective panel study


Mean (SD)

Age [years]


66 (6.0)

BMI* [kg/m 2 ]


28 (3.4)


No. (%)

History of


Coronary heart disease

57 (100)


Angina pectoris

40 (68)


Myocardial infarction

43 (75)


Bypass surgery/balloon dilatation

49 (86)



3 (5)


Diabetes mellitus

13 (23)



40 (70)


Chronic bronchitis

2 (4)



5 (9)


Hay fever

2 (4)


Chronic kidney disease

6 (11)



Never smoker

15 (26)



42 (74)

Medication use

Anti-hyperlipidemic medication

29 (51)


Platelet aggregation inhibitors


   Acetylsalicylic acid

52 (91)



3 (5)

  1. * BMI, Body mass index
  2. † COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  3. ‡ SD, standard deviation