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Table 5 Notable changes of biological parameters in mice after treatment with TiO2 and LPS

From: The combined effect of food additive titanium dioxide and lipopolysaccharide on mouse intestinal barrier function after chronic exposure of titanium dioxide-contained feedstuffs


1 month

3 months

6 months


Duodenal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Ileal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↓

Ileal IL-1β ↓

Duodenal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↓

Duodenal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↓

Serum DAO ↓

Serum TNF-α ↑


Duodenal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Ileal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↓

Ileal Occludin ↑

Ileal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Food intake ↓

Serum IL-1β ↓


Jejunal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Ileal ZO-1 ↑

Jejunal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Serum DAO ↓

Serum DAO ↓

Ileal IL-1β ↓


Duodenal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Jejunal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Ileal ZO-1 ↑

Jejunal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Ileal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↑

Serum IL-1β ↓

Ileal microvilli ↓, Blood Ti ↑

Serum IL-6 ↓


Ileal villi height/ crypt depth ratio ↓

Ileal ZO-1 ↑

Serum LPS ↓, Serum DAO ↓

Ileal ZO-1 ↑