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Table 1 Summary of inclusion and exclusion criteria for systematic review

From: Results from omic approaches in rat or mouse models exposed to inhaled crystalline silica: a systematic review


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Written in English and published after 1990

Review, systematic review, clinical trial, randomized controlled trial, meta-analysis and others articles that are not original studies were excluded

Experimental model

All strain, sex and age of mouse and rat models exposed to cSiO2 were accepted

In vitro, in silico or in vivo studies using models other than mouse and rat were excluded. Mouse and rat not exposed to cSiO2 particles were excluded. Mouse and rat genetically modified were excluded

Crystalline silica exposure

Only articles regarding silica in its crystalline form and cSiO2 exposure by inhalation were included. All doses and frequency of exposure were accepted

Articles mentioning silica gel or column, silica-coated beads, silica nanoparticles or micro/nanospheres, mesoporous silica, silica spicules or bleomycin exposure were excluded

Studies using an exposure route other than inhalation were not considered


Outcomes demonstrated by the use of an omic approach on mouse or rat models exposed to cSiO2 by inhalation were kept, including but not limited to: genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic analysis; gene or protein expression profile; miRNA-expression profiling/level; RNA-seq; NanoString nCounter; iTRAQ; single-cell; microarray analysis; SAGE-seq; LC–MS

Outcomes demonstrated by other technological approaches than omic methods were excluded

Omic approaches but not apply directly on mouse or rat models (in vitro omic approaches secondly confirmed by non-omic approaches in vivo) were also excluded


Vehicle-treated control rat or mouse, controlled studies with a separate control group

Case studies, cross-over studies, studies without a separate control group were excluded